I'm gonna rot la... omg... whole day sitting behind my lappie and watch Korean drama... Sooner or later I'm gonna be obasang (something like that)... arggghh...
Applied for part time jobs with Sentosa.. Hope they reply me asap... Thought of going to Genting for Genting finding people... but so far...
Well, last sat went for Career Fair.. Was expecting more.. But most of them wanted ACCA graduates... But I'm not one yet... Soon to be exact (:
Well, was so hyped up and motivated for this Fair in KL.. wear so formal and then my interest and the rest of us went down when they say ACCA graduates.. we were like full of hope then after asking one after another, after an hour passed, we were like this is soooo sad la... No job.. Most of them say ACCA Graduates then others were like in KL... we were asking for SG but they say they have only for KL...
Was disappointed... But we had a GREAT TIME with each other and getting to know one another much more deeper during the trip... So all thanks to ACCA and also S-JAC (:
well, i'm hoping and praying hard here to get an answer from Sentosa soon.. Or else I gotta find another part-time job...
till then,
P/s: I'M SO FREAKING HYPED UP TO CONTINUE MY CELLO!!! So sorry my dear cello for being stuck in the bag for 2 long years... Finally, you will be used... (:
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