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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Creative Camp Workshop

yup... I'm in the camp and now they are doing sharing... and thank you Majodi for the wireless... and I brought lappie aku which means I can go online... happy.... haha...

Really enjoy the camp alot... loads of arts and music thingy... very different from all other camps... been hands on for the past 2 days... 2 more days to go... and then the camp ends... so fast... the kids/youth/children are doing great and they manage to bond with each other on the first day... seeing all 30 of them like in a big family... funny and touching... haha

well, yesterday was suppose to go for BOB meeting... and I have no idea why I'm such a walking sotong... I thought that meeting starts at 7pm... kononya start at 5pm and only dinner is at 7pm... Omg....

Luckily I called CC before going... if not memalukan diri only... haha...

So anyways, I got to go... Will try to update with loads of stuff once camp is over...

I so sleepy that I can just sleep any moment... In the toilet also... Urghhh.... gotta sleep early...

till then PEOPLE (:

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