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Sunday, August 15, 2010

OSK Investment Challenge

muahaha.... Cant wait till tomorrow... The games officially starts tomorrow... haha...

Its a game where you will be given a virtual RM100,000n and then you can starttrading based on Malaysia's KLSE Market... cool right!!! haha...

It might be cool if your an accountant... haha... Well, one thing good about this is that you can make all the mistakes you want and there is no need to worry about losing any money... So its no harm trying...

Well, the market opens tomorrow at 9am... haha... and I'm a greenhorn on this... Although I'm gonna be an accountant soon (end of this year will be my last exam!!! yes yes YES!!!) haha... But trading shares I'm not so clever about that... So its a good practice for me... muahaha...

Cant wait to trade trade trade... haha

Wish me luck!!!

till then,

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