and guess what... the menace of the FREAKING ATM CARD!!! i feel like cutting it to bites... with that little evilo, i've been taking out money like nobody businesssssss... till date, i took out nearly RM2000 within 3 months... and my mum still give me pocket money XP...
see??? get what i mean???? urgh... i need to hide it somewhere far beyond my reach or else, my money will be gone..
i so freaking tired... and could just sleep the whole day.... aaahhhh... piggy... haha... EVELYN if you read this, barney is sleeeepppppyyy.... haha... good trex... haha
well, till date,
1) i have not study anything yet
3) i have my music prac exam coming and guess what, when i play a piece, i stop like a few times... omg... i suppose to play all in one shot...
4) going to SG this Sunday for some church thing
5) i have P1 and P3 progress test 2 this coming friday and next
6) orientation day for the new intakes this thur
7) induction day next week
all i think there is more to come... aaahhhh
well, life's good when ur busy... hehe.. a good sign... but seriously, too much is a real killer...
i'm having insomnia and my appetite is just piling up... there goes la me... eat and eat and some more, i stop ballet = FAT!!! noooooooooooooooooooooo... aaaahhhh ..haha
and I MISS MY BALLET!!! :( i wanna go back... but look at the freaking schedule of mine... where can i find time... and i wanna play my cello again back badly... huhu... haha..
well, all i got to do now is to wait.. and wait.. till I'M FREE!!! never knew Professional life is so taxing...
but i enjoy being one... hehe...
well, i need to finish my PEM and study.. instead, i got carried away with my blog...
oh ya... today, i went to see some show houses in setia indah...
let the pictures speak for itself.. din take much tho... super lazy to click all the way... haha
the living hall in the show hse..
yaya... looks like we're in a jap rest to eat right.. actually, i's not.. we 're still in the show house that cost RM2.7 million..
look at his face... owh.. happily feeling a jacuzzi with his clothes on.. haha...
well... thats all.. i think i need two tooth picks to keep my eyes open.. i soooo sleepy...
till then,
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